Our upcoming Full Moon in Libra is a beautiful opportunity to shine the light on who we are in our relationships, not only with others, but first and foremost with ourselves.
The Full Moon peaks on April 6th, 2023 at 12:34 a.m. EST.
This energy is highlighting our Heart and Sacral Chakras.
The energy around the full moon asks us to change our pace, tune in and turn on our awareness of what's emerging now. What wants to be known? What is ready to look into more deeply through the lens of our own hearts, our inner eye?
As you tune in to your life and into these areas of your energy body this week notice what thoughts, pictures or emotions arise around your relationship with your creative energy, with the concept of duality, balance and harmony.
Is a project ready to be created? A song that's been on your heart that needs to be written? A partnership ready to be formed or even dissolved?
What is asking for your celebration? What has been completed, created or crafted that you have yet to celebrate? How will you celebrate?
Ready to look a little deeper?
Who are you in relationship with yourself? Are you the critical parent, the amusing acquaintance or the empathic friend? Can you learn to be a balance of all 3?
How do you show up for yourself on the days when you don't feel like showing up for anyone?
Do you coddle yourself? Do you yell at yourself? Or have you found a way to honor, respect and value yourself in a way that allows for you to feel like not showing up, giving yourself space while honoring your commitments?
And conversely, how do you show up for yourself on the days that you feel like you can open your heart to everyone?
How can you find a sustainable balance between these poles?
Who are you in relationship with others? Are you able to hold yourself, be true to your needs while meeting the needs of others?
Are there places that you self abandon or self betray? What are those places?
And remember this is a shame free zone.
As we begin to shine the light on these places we begin to discover the nooks and crannies of our self worth giving us golden opportunities to fortify any cracks while strengthening our bonds and developing healthy connections with others while honoring ourselves.
Where are the leaks in our self worth, our self love and our self compassion?
I discovered this for myself a few nights ago in my meditation. I discovered that one of my soul's deepest wounds that is up on deck for transmuting into wisdom is self betrayal.
It's a big one that I've been learning about since I was a kid. Now that I'm shining the light right on it and see the ways that it can still show up in my life I can also see how many times, most recently, that I have chosen NOT to go against my own knowing.
This process isn't about perfection it's about growth and mastery.
Finally, are there any relationship riffs that are calling for resolution? Is it time to have a down to Earth, heart to heart talk with anyone close to you?
These next few days are going to be very energetically supportive for these next level conversations.
Here's to you living from your heart and your soul's perspective!
Much love and the brightest blessings,
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